Are You Flood Ready?

There are over 1,100 miles of levees protecting the California Delta. No matter how well built the levee, no levee is flood-proof. Know as much as you can about the threat of flood – your knowledge will be crucial to your safety and the safety of those you care about. Flooding in the Delta can happen at any time, not just during the rainy season – it can even occur during times of drought! By planning ahead, you can help protect your family and neighbors, reduce damage to your property, and be better prepared to recover from a flood emergency in your area. This website will help you take the steps you need to be aware, be prepared, and take action in the event of a flood.

It is crucial that all Delta residents are aware of and prepared for the possibility of a flood event in their area. In a few easy steps, find out if your home or business is located in a flood zone and understand how alert systems work.

These helpful tips and resources will get you thinking about the steps you need to take to prepare yourself and your loved ones, your property, and even your pets and livestock to be as ready as possible in case the unexpected happens!

Check your Contra Costa, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Solano, or Yolo County Office of Emergency Services to learn what alert systems, evacuation plans, and other resources are available in the event of a flood emergency.

Emergency kits, evacuation plans, weather reports and river conditions, flood insurance information, and an overview of reclamation districts will help you and your loved ones navigate your way to preparedness!

Just two feet of water can
sweep your car away.
Delta County Services

Flood Awareness Events

Delta Flood Preparedness Week
October 19-26, 2024
Delta Flood Preparedness Week is in coordination with California Flood Preparedness Week when federal, state, and local agencies join together to inform all Californians about flood awareness and preparedness to improve public safety.